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04.13.2004 - 1...2...3... You're Ugly
Kryssa and I had a little talk about MTV's I Want a Famous Face...
K: Look at Reno's face
A: she still looks like a man
A: maybe an old monkey man
K: her face looks so crazy
A: it do
A: she really do look like a man
K: uh huh
A: if she had long hair, she'd look like a drag queen
K: like that drag queen that wanted to become J Lo on I want a Celebrity Face
A: i have to look at that again
K: nah, that drag queen didn't look as manly and ugly as Janet Reno
A: i think he'd be able to get a Grace Jones makeover easy
A: /meet_the_patients/index.jhtml?Patients=Jessica
K: ahaha
K: why don't they have any "after" pictures on there?
K: i want to see how much he doesn't look like j-lo after the surgery
A: what the crap?
A: yuck
A: click on the Jessica models link
K: is it a video?
A: in his profile
A: yes
A: it's so disgusting
A: he looks like a cross between Eric Stoltz Mask and the Tiger Lady
K: LOL it won't play
K: the video isn't playing
A: so ugly
K: i can imagine
A: those brad pitt girls are so dumb
A: here's a quote
A: "i guess when i was ugly i didn't have much fun. but now that i'm good looking i can have alot more fun"
A: they look like weird ugly girls
A: and they still ugly
K: hahah
K: i know
K: on Best Week Ever, one of the panelists was talking about that and he was like "yeah...i'd like to get surgery so I can see what I'd look like as Brad Pitt...if he was ugly."
K: it's so true
K: they don't even look like brad pitt!
K: but they think they do.
A: they should crap this Give Me a Famous Face Show and call it "Please Make Me Look Not So Ugly After the Surgery"
K: i know
A: that show is making people look like monsters
K: i know
A: i mean granted those twins had nothing to work with in the first place
K: oh man, that fake Pamela Anderson girl is a liar. they asked her if she has been mistaken for Pam Anderson since the surgery and she said "yes, a couple of times."
K: no way. Liar.
A: but all of the others looked grosser afterwards
A: maybe they mistook her for a swollen boobed monster
K: fo sho
K: grinch
K: did you see the episode?
K: she went to a playboy audition and they told her her boobs were too big and she needed to lose weight
A: and who wants to even look like Kate Winslet? i thought people forgot about her ass
A: I think the show should be called "Please Make Me a Monster"
K: hahaha
A: or "1...2...3... You're Ugly"
K: Pedro said to me in an email: have you been watching that I want a famous face even though the last few weeks it had nothing to do with faces?'
K: hahaha
K: 1...2...3...You're Ugly is awesome
K: Please Make Me a Monster.
A: i haven't seen that show
A: i'd probably get really mad at it
K: i was coerced into watching it twice
K: and I hated it
A: is Sarah obsessed with it?
K: but Pedro is went from Brad Pitt faces to all kinds of non-face surgeries
A: i'm all for exploiting stupid people on tv. but this is taking it too far and too gross
K: it had nothing to do with faces for a couple episodes
K: no, it's WAY grosss
K: and I think it's a terrible thing to show young, impressionable people
K: telling people they can have fun if they change their face? that's terrible.
A: so that goes to show that "1...2...3... You're Ugly" is a better name for it
K: it's like a huge commercial for plastic surgery
K: yes
K: true.
A: Merv just said that those Brad Pitt girls look like someone set they faces on fire and put it out with an icepick
K: haha, my dad always says that
K: but he says a hatchet
K: not an icepick
A: or liquid nitrogen
A: so gross
A: those kids look like WNBA players
K: who!?
K: the brad pitt pinochios?
A: yeah
K: haha
K: wnba players
A: or like some famous lesbian i know
K: no, they look like they going steady with Hitler
A: hah hah
A: they appeared on mtv, doesn't that automatically qualify you for that
K: yeah
K: good point |