|  | Asif Gill | EMPLOYMENT OBJECTIVE | Development position requiring creative and cognitive skills necessary to create cutting edge Web sites and web applications. | EDUCATION | Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan: Bachelor of Science, Computer Science, December 1999.
Japan Center for Michigan Universities, Hikone-shi, Shiga 522, Japan: Japanese language studies, June - August 1998. | QUALIFICATIONS | Object Oriented programming experience using C++. Development of static and dynamic Web sites using Active Server Pages, PHP, HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java Applets, CGI and Perl. Digital image creation and manipulation experience using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Macromedia Flash, Freehand and Fireworks. Experience using Source Control Software such as Microsoft SourceSafe. Experience using WYSIWYGs such as Homesite and Dreamweaver. Database creation and query experience using Microsoft Access, MySQL and T-SQL. Knowledge of computer operating systems - DOS, Win 9X, Win 2000, Win XP, Macintosh and UNIX. Knowledge of the Java and Coldfusion programming languages. | EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE | Web Developer, enlighten, Ann Arbor, Michigan, July 2002 - current. Responsible for front end development on the Pulte Web site. This involved ASP, JavaScript, DHTML, HTML and Cascading Style Sheets. Responsible for optimizing all files on the Pulte Web Site to ensure faster download times to the end user. This involved cleaning up ASP, JavaScript and HTML code.
Web Master, Diamond Tool Supply, Inc., Monroe, Michigan, February 2002 - current. Responsible for developing the Diamond Tool Supply, Inc. Web site. This involved front and back end development using PHP, JavaScript, HTML and Cascading Style Sheets. Organized the file structure and style guide for the Web Site. Responsible for developing, populating and querying the MySQL database for value-added information delivered to the end user.
Web Developer, micromanagement, Troy, Michigan, March 2002 - current. Responsible for developing the Motown Harley Web site. This involved front and back end development using ASP, JavaScript, HTML and Cascading Style Sheets. Responsible for developing and querying the MS Access database for value-added information delivered to the end user. Designed and developed specifications for the online store.
Webmaster, Department of Risk Management - Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, May 2001 - July 2001. Restructured and redesigned departmental Web Site. This involved the creation of new sections as well as streamlining existing content.
Under Contract through Aquent Partners:
Web Developer, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Detroit, Michigan, June 2000 - September 2001. Responsible for developing and maintaining the corporate Web site framework for 3500 page redesign. This involved consultation with internal clients, creation of reusable templates and administration over styles. Technical Lead over the front-end user interface for high-profile user applications. Blue Care Network Employment - Redesigned and restructured the section. Blue Dates - Reworked and redesigned section for usability. Web Design & Development Intranet Site - Act as webmaster over the site. Created concepts, navigation and design for the entire site. Backup Administrator for the company intranet.
Web Developer, myevent.com, Southfield, Michigan, May 2000 - June 2000. Responsible for front-end development of the myevent.com Web site.
Supplemental Instruction Leader, Wayne State University Counseling and Placement Services, Detroit, Michigan, October 1998 - January 2000. Provided supplemental instruction to students enrolled in introductory Japanese.
| HOBBIES/INTERESTS | Learning new programming languages. Japanese language and culture. International travel. |  | | |