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Return to Beijing

NYE 2004

Toronto Invasion 2003

its official
It's that time of year again!!! Go to the 4th Year Engagement microsite to view the invitation for my pre XMAS party. So keep your Saturday December 21st open, yo.

Royal Kubo 25

Royal Kubo 25th birthday party invite. April 20th @ the Royal Kubo in Oak Park. The amazing Phillipino restaurant and karaoke bar.

3rd Annual Post  

Go to the 3rd Annual Post microsite to view the invitation and pics from my post XMAS party.

Hippo, the best tour ever  

Go to the Hippo microsite to find out first hand why Toronto's Hippo Tours are the best tours ever.

No. 24

View the invitation and cracked out pictures from my 24th birthday party.

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

The pre-planned private Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon screening at my house in March 2001, that never happened.

Technology 2001 View the invitation and pictures from Technology 2001
[my post Christmas pre New Years Eve party].
Asif Ver. 3.00