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02.17.2004 - Barbershop 3: Back in Saudi

How you living, baby?I needed to get a haircut really bad and didn't have the time to go to the downriver barbershop I've been going to since I was a kid. I noticed a place down Packard that charges $12. It's called Royal Crown and has arabic writing on the outside. I figured it was worth a shot. So I went in on a Friday evening. I walked in and saw these 2 guys standing in a big waiting room. I looked at them and they nodded. I asked if they worked there. They said "no" and led me into the other room. Which was all ghettoed out. I felt like I was in an arabic rap video. I wanted to turn around and leave so bad. The barbers were these Arabic Gs in their 20's. They were talking a mix of ebonics and arabic. It was so wack. They were calling each other Baby, Habibi and dropping crazy ghetto slang. This one guy was getting this weird thing done to his face. The barber was stretching a string along his face. It was the weirdest crap I'd ever seen.

They were going crazy over some of the music they were playing on the radio. So I asked if they were listening to JLB. The barber looked at me like I was crazy. He didn't know what JLB was. So I said, you know the station. Are you listening to 97.9 or 105.9? He didn't know. He went to check and apparently they were listening to Q95.5 [who must've switched to all R&B and rap music]. They talked about Club Divine which triggered a "How can you stand that place? It smells like vomit." response. He didn't seem to think it smelled like vomit. He then asked me if I ever went to the State Theatre in Detroit. I said "Yeah, for shows. I didn't know they still had a dance night." He proceeded to tell me how they still had dancing there and some other crap. Then he asked me If I went to the local Mosque and knew brother Hafeez or something like that. I said "no and no [I really wanted to say I Don't Give a FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK], I just moved here." I tried to kill that line of questioning. About the same time some 40 year old white comes in saying Asalamulaikum to these Gs. I was just like "AWWW HELL NAW."

The barber was done with my hair and it looked so wack. I didn't know what to say. I normally get it cut the same length around. The sides were considerably shorter than the top and my hair was all slicked up like an arabic G. I thought "it might not look that bad after I wash it" to myself. But I was still devastated by the the whole wack experience. I booked it out of there.

They guys there were nice and everything but it was just way to ghetto for me. I prefer my white downriver barbers over the arabic Gs.