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11.03.2003 - Findsay [1998 - 2003]
About 3 months ago Findsay started having seizures. He would howl really loud, lose all motor control and drop to the ground. We took him to the vet who after $250 told us that there was nothing wrong with him except for a heart murmur [which would have to be tested further by a cardioligist in NY]. As time went by, the seizures happened more often. They were triggered by physical activity. Findsay really couldn't do anything besides lay around the house and hide. I thought it would be a good idea to see if he improved after taking the meds they gave him. His condition just got worse. He would have a seizure, bang his head, get up an hide.
I went home to see my parents before heading to Joey's Halloween party. I talked to them for awhile and went downstairs to find Findsay lying on the ground all contorted. I immediately knew he was dead. I touched his body and was kind of surprised that the rigor mortis had already kicked in. I went upstairs and told everybody what happened. I really didn't have time to process what just happened. I had to bury him right then and there because I had to finish the music for Joey's party. He now lies behind my parents' shed.
Thanks for all of the good times, Findsay. You were one crazy cat. I'm sorry that I couldn't help you. I'm sorry that you had to die alone.
I love you Findsay...