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Tigers are blowin up the media these days. Here's an IM conversation between Kryssa and I about tigers and how they are making a comeback.
K: Piscine Patel is alive and well, and living in harlem! tiger/index.html
A: this is my favorite quote
A: "An officer who was guarding the apartment looked through the hole and indeed saw the large tiger pass by the open hole,"
K: ha! i know. i would have crapped my pants.
K: that Richard Parker is huge!
A: that would've been so funny to witness
K: i know.
K: i like how they had to jump down the side of the building and shoot RP with a tranquilizer
K: and RP tried to lunge through the window at the guy outside waiting to shoot him
K: it sounds like a movie!
A: it do
A: that's really crazy
A: i didn't know that the tiger bit Roy in the neck and dragged him offstage
A: that
A: is insane
K: oh, you didn't?
K: yeah, everyone that witnessed it said he looked like a ragdoll in the Tigers mouf
A: but you know the Tiger was like "ok everybody. the show is over! we have some business to attend to"
K: Yeah, also, I think the tiger was mad because I guess as part of the act, they say it's the tiger's first time performing, but really it's not. The tiger was probably like "why you gotta lie, you know I been on this stage forevah!"
A: that is freakin hilarious
K: I told Adam, that tiger was singing Aerosmith's Ragdoll when he dragged Roy offstage
A: October must be National Tiger month or something because these Tigers is blowin up all over the place
K: LOL, i know!
A: Ragdoll??? no you di'ent
A: "Ragdoll. Livin in a movie. Hot tramp. Daddy's little cutie"
K: of course, when i said that, Adam had to start singing it
A: what if the Tiger was really singing that?
K: i would love it forver.
K: forever.
A: that would be so crazy
K: or what if the tiger mocked that one commercial that S&R did, where he's all "don't you have any gummy bears?"
K: or whatever the hell he said.
K: i know he said somethin about gummy bears
A: i haven't seen it but it sounds wack
K: it's wack. i can't even remember what the commercial was for.
A: what if the Tiger had a press conference like Kobe Bryant?
K: I would LOVE that.
K: i would go home from work to see it if it was during work hours.
A: he'd be talking for a bit and then lick his lips and make weird faces
A: and then talk again
K: don't do this to me.
A: i hope you know that this is going up on brains
A: it's too funny
K: It better go up on brains.