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09.30.2003 - Credit Card Fraud
Ok, so this whole house thing has got me putting huge amounts of money on my credit card. I just paid $4500 for last month's statement and still have a $2000 balance. $2000 balance? Last time I checked, it was $1,600 and I didn't make any other big purchases. How the hell did it hit $2000? I looked at my statement online and found out why. Some idiot got a hold of my credit card or credit card number and has been charging like nuts to Columbia House DVD. What a jackass!
This individual charged $290 in 5 days. I think that they also charged $200 today. I called my credit card company and told them what was up. They cancelled my card and are sending a new one. I also talked to the barely English speaking Columbia House Customer Rep and told them what was going on. They told me that I'd be contacted within 72 hours. All I gotta say is this shit better be resolved fast. I don't have the time or patience for any more of this crap.
Note to person who is charging those dumbass movies: You don't want me to find out who you is because I'm evil. I start small with voodoo dolls and step it up from there. I ain't afraid to beating and cursing yo ass. I will find you and torture you, bitch.