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06.17.2003 - Dracula Serves No More

This is what happens to people who don't come to the restaurantsuperhumanwolf: there's a journal called Babes Bolyai in the database I'm testing. wha?!
DraculaScream: what the crap?
superhumanwolf: apparently it is Romanian
DraculaScream: intaasting
DraculaScream: speaking of Romanian, that Dracula themed restaurant next to La Pita is gone
superhumanwolf: wha??
superhumanwolf: dracula themed restaurant??
DraculaScream: yeah
DraculaScream: it was a Romanian restaurant with a Dracula dressed musician
superhumanwolf: ohhhh
DraculaScream: Vlad's face was on the menu
superhumanwolf: yeah, you told me about that place. i forgot
DraculaScream: it was a cool idea
superhumanwolf: too bad it got killed
superhumanwolf: it must have had the life sucked out if it. hahahahaha hardy har har
DraculaScream: or somebody left the curtains open on a sunny day
superhumanwolf: or put too much garlic in the food
superhumanwolf: or spilled holy water
DraculaScream: or instead of steaks, they got a shipment of stakes
DraculaScream: and Buffy showed up and dusted them
superhumanwolf: HAHAHA
superhumanwolf: or all of the above
DraculaScream: yeah