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06.15.2003 - Timewarp Entry: Paper Towels
This story happened in March of 2000. I figured it was funny enough to write about. So here it goes.
My ma and I went to visit my eldest sister Naveed in Austin, Texas. She was telling us about this really good Indian restaurant she knew about. Naveed, the kids, my ma and I all went there for lunch. Typically restaurants like that give you your silverware wrapped in cloth napkins. My ma started eating and then just stopped. Apparently she didn't like using cloth napkins. She asked the server if he had any paper napkins. This guy was really confused by her request. He said that they didn't have any and went to go look for some. The server came back with a stack of brown paper towels. Naveed and I just looked at each and laughed. My ma just went back to eating her food and using the towels. We were finding really hard not to stop laughing. Everytime we go to a restaurant, my ma has to cause a scene.