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06.14.2003 - Thundersticks

Instruments of evilI went to a Pistons vs Nets playoff game a couple of weeks ago with Shazy, JohnZ and his cousin. As I walked in I was handed a pair of Thundersticks. I thought it was cool that they were giving those away for free. You know, giving a little back to the fans is a good idea. I didn't even know what kind of mess I had gotten myself into.

At first, I was using the Thundersticks like everyone else. They make this loud hollow drum sound. Later on, it started getting out of control. People were abusing the hell out of these sticks. I felt like they were hitting my brain with those damned sticks. It didn't help that people behind us were loud giga-nerds. Banging them sticks right behind my ears and screaming as loud as they could. They usually had one-on-one imaginary conversations with the players calling them "baby" or what not. It was very charming. As the game progressed, the noise from the sticks got louder and louder. All I wanted to do was watch the game, not endure this brain torture. The pistons lost. And all I could hear on the car drive home was those sticks banging in my head.

Those Thundersticks are not fun or cool. They are instruments of pure evil. Stay away from them at all costs or you'll be sorry.