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01.13.2003 - Pak-Rat
My dad has this really bad habit. It called act like you ghetto and never throw anything away. He has taken recycling to the next level. He never throws anything away. No matter how petrified or decomposed it is.
- He keeps old shaving cream caps and uses them as desk organizers. You know, to hold rubber bands, paper clips, etc.
- His new thing is saving yoplait yogurt cups and using them as pencil holders.
- He cuts up junk mail into little squares and uses them as paper for notes.
- He eats on styrofoam plates and washes them for reuse, even though we have normal plates all over the place. [Shazy and I would poke holes into the plates with knifes so he would have to throw them away]
- Photocopied a 2003 calendar.
- He uses a cardboard box [with decorative paper that someone would use to line the inside of kitchen cabinets] as a side table to set things on in the computer room.
- Gets mad when anyone spends more than $2 or clothes, shoes or anything else.
- Takes super ghetto shopping sprees at Big Lots and Aco Hardware and comes back with a whole bunch of crap that nobody needs [including him]
- Will open a bank account or get a magazine subscription just for the free gift.
- Continually risks getting food poisoning by eating old food. He also loves making chips stale and eating them.
- Loves taking hand-me-downs from other people.
- Drives a Butt-Mobile, which was previously termed the Ghetto Wagon. This car is so ghetto. Everything is broken, the brakes don't work, it leaks oil, pieces of the car fall off whenever someone gets in and duct tape holds the car together.
- Buys plastic toilet seats because he breaks the standard types in half. [This has happened 3 times]
- He photocopies textbooks and novels
- He uses his old underwear as rags for when he has to do repair work around the house. [When I was a kid and helped him around the house I had no idea that I was wiping things off with underwear. That's freakin nasty]
- He used to keep pennies in an old sock.
- He used to store old magazines and books in an old washing machine, dryer, freezer and tv he bought in a garage sale or picked up off the street.
- Even if he may not use a particular thing anymore, he will refuse to throw anything away.
It's not like he doesn't have money. He has a lot of that. If you've ever been to my house you know what I talking about. He just likes to live like a poor person.