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12.27.2002 - Chesty Illumination

knockers I noticed this a long long time ago when we first moved into this house [I just never really mentioned it]. The overhead lights in individual rooms look like boobs. My sister commented on this awhile back also.Side profile It verified that I wasn't being some kinda freak. Anyways, the thing that inspired me to write this entry was I noticed boob lights while looking at pictures of J-Dawg's new house. So whats the deal with these boob lights in new houses? I mean is the best design to distribute light evenly across a room is a boob? This is very confusing to me. I also really don't want to think about the counterpart of a boob light. I'd expect this type of light to be up in the Ladie's Man's crib? Why it gotta be all up in America's grill disguising itself as an innocent utillity? How about a frying pan, planet or a flying saucer?