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12.05.2002 - Jacko News Blitz: Official Jacko Month Spills into December
I'm not going to put up the full articles because way too much stuff has happened. So instead I am going to put up my favorite quotes.
Jacko on Memory: When Mr Avram's lawyer asked Jackson if he suffered from memory problems, the singer replied: "Not that I can recall."
Mr Jackson has denied pulling out of the millennium shows and said Mr Avram canceled them because "the government" would not allow them to fly across the international dateline on New Year's Eve.
The singer said he did not remember which government objected to the flight.
Jacko on Spiders, his Crutches and Courtroom Antics: "It is a spider bite. It is real bad. If I showed it to you, you'd be shocked. It hurts very much right now as I speak." and "I love tarantulas, but not the little kind."
In court Tuesday, Jackson took the witness stand and shouted, "Eeeow!" several times into the microphone and made moose ears, devil ears and a thumbs-up at supporters in the courtroom.
Jacko to a Camera Man who was Getting Too Close: "You're too close," Jackson said. The cameraman assured him it was OK, and Jackson responded, "Promise? Promise?"
Jacko on Gloria Allred: "Ahhh, tell her to go to hell"
Jacko on Pop Music: The singer told Bunte magazine he went on a shopping trip to a Berlin music store and bought two classical CDs - but no pop music. The singer dropped in to the store unannounced, and without bodyguards. Asked why, he told the magazine: "I don't like pop music."
Afterthoughts on recent Jacko pics. Kryssa brought the point that Jacko looks like professional business woman, and he do. Just look at the pics. His comments on not liking pop... That's kinda dumb since he is the self-proclaimed King of Pop and makes only pop music. One more thing, the next time he dangles a baby from a balcony the correct counterattack would be to throw a spider at him. Oh yeah, and concerning the Gorilla picture... I think Jacko is trying astral project into and possess the gorilla's body. But the gorilla is smart, he is hiding behind glass.
All of the quotes in this entry were taken from BBC and CNN.