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12.04.2002 - "Have a Good Workout, Mahammed"
I have to give a little backstory here. My legal first name is Mohammad. My middle name is Asif. I was called Asif until middle school and then all my teachers started calling me Mohammad. I sign legal documents with the name Mohammad. My Ballys membership card has the name Mohammad on it.
So anyways, theres this new black girl working at the Woodhaven Ballys. She is really nice but has this smile that could destroy the world. She really shouldn't smile. Her teeth are all super long and the diastema doesn't help either. Home girl love to get her smile on.
So one day I go to Ballys and give her my card. As I begin to walk away she says "Have a Good Workout Mahammed" and then flashes her killer smile. I didn't even know what to say. I was like paralyzed. I quickly snapped out of it and said "Thanks." As I left the gym, she said "Goodbye Mahammed!" I thought it was pretty funny.
I told Shazy about it. She was all excited to see the girl. So we went to the gym a few times to no avail. And then BANG! last weekend she told me that she saw the girl again. She said that the girl got on the P.A. and made an announcement something like this... "Ballys will be closing in a half hour, Have a Good Workout!"
She is a really nice girl who is seriously addicted to telling people to Have a Good Workout!"
P.S. Ask me to do an impression next time you see me to understand why it was so funny.