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11.30.2002 - Thanksgiving Eve

So we got the fam together for dinner and a bar night. We [Tarek, Kricky, Rachel, Kryssa, Adam and I] all met up at Paesano's for din din. I mistakenly called the dish that I was going to order the Mommie Betsie, it was really called Mama Bessie. So I ordered a Mommie Betsie and the waitress kept laughing. I guess she really liked that. Overall though, it good to have the fam together eating din din before Thanksgiving.

On to the MudHouse. Kricky and myself dared Rachel to eat about 5 spoons of tea leave remnants for $20 [$10 from Krick, $10 from me]. The look on her face when she was eating those leaves was so funny. She almost threw up after the 2nd or 3rd spoon. It was great!! I think the funniest thing about that is Tarek wanted us to give him a $20 dare.

We went over to Pub 13 and were joined by Daronco, Ryan [Potz], Heather, Dave and Sara to shoot pool and booze it up. Tarek was talking about the french beer with 9% alc. La Femme Nikita or La Femme de Ruin... So we are all shooting pool and getting our asses mangled by Krick and Rachel. They completely destroyed us. Really bad. We switched partners and tables a few times. I found my dream team partner. During our reign, Potz and myself won 4-0. Thats dang pretty good.

I don't know whose idea it was to fit Tarek, Rachel, myself and Daronco in Potz' back seat. We had to hold Krick up so he was like the Matrix suspended in air until we got out. I had to lift him out of the car to get him out. It was pretty funny. We almost had a repeat of this when leaving the Leopold Bros. except Daronco took Krick's place.

We ended the night at the Del Rio. I think I got home at 3 again.

Quote of the Night: Tarek: "You know that Michael Jackson? I hate him. I think he is a wack ass."

P.S. Daronco, you scared the crap out of me with your crazy slam dance driving on the shoulder.