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11.17.2002 - Resident Evil 0 Will Scare Yo Teef Off. I Already Bought Dentures
I bought Resident Evil 0 for the GameCube. The graphics is good, the story is good. I thought that after all of these years the Resident Evil series might get a little old. I haven't gotten far in the game at all but all I gotta say is I got freaked when the guy in the dining car's head off when I touched his shoulder. All these nasty ass worms thing came out of him and attacked me. Hell naw. What worse is the giant crab that breaks through the roof of the train car. It keeps beating my ass.
Metroid Prime comes out this Wednesday. I am looking forward to that. I'm glad I have 2 weeks off for X-Mas break.
And don't even get me started on the new Zelda...