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11.14.2002 - Radio 4 Detroit

Radio 4We all signed up for the Radio 4 mailing list at the show last Wednesday. Here is the thank you they threw up on the boards. Well, not the whole thing, just the beginning because its kinda long.

Hello, again!

First off, thanks to everyone in Cleveland, Madison, Minneapolis,
Chicago, Kalamazoo and Boston who came out to last week's shows.
Thanks also to the guys in VHS or Beta for being great travel
companions and a great band.

Sorry to everyone in Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal who bought advance
tickets to the shows we had to cancel. You can thank the less-than-
accommodating Customs and Immigration officers at the Windsor
Ambassador Bridge for that.

Anyhow, next week we will begin a 4-week tour with The Faint in
Europe. Here are the dates.

They left Detroit out of the thank yous. So I responded with and Kryssa's help:

Dear Radio 4,

You really hurt my feelings with the no shouts out to Detroit. I for one, was really looking forward to the show. You guys rocked so hard that night. I hope you guys come back again.

Even though there were only a few of us there, you can't deny that we really represented the Radio 4 rock with our in-place dancing, head nods and shouts for those little girls.

p.s. we all bought merch too.

Greg from Radio 4 responded to our response with this:

Sorry Detroit!


In my little shout-outs before I forgot to give props to our last
stop before coming back to NY. No disrespect intended. So here you

Big ups to Detroit!

Sorry about that.


See, Radio 4 really does care about not hurting our feelings. So all y'all better go to their show when they come back to Detroit. An if you've never heard them, go to their website.