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11.01.2002 - Trick or Treat Type Thing
I went over Kryssa's to pass out candy [because I didn't have enough time to go home and make fun of my own trick-or-treaters] and harass children about their costumes and go up to Necto for the Halloween Dance Party thing. So C-Loud, Kryssa and myself were all dressed up waiting for kids to come by. We listened to a Halloween Scary Sounds CD and got some good laughs. We then moved on to bigger and better things. Namely, Rosemary's Baby. So kids were coming up to the door and I made sure to grill them about their costumes. Here are some highlights...
A kid came dressed up as a General Monkey. He was wearing a Chinese dragon looking mask and white clothes. Good costume My reaction: "I didn't know that monkeys could hold rank."
A group of preteen girls came to the door. Their answers to the "What are you supposed to be?" was "A Witch Type Thing." The other girls also answered with a [BLANK] Type Thing. You either know what you are going as or not. They ain't no TYPE THINGS. This also inspired Kryssa to sing Sex Type Thing from STP.
A nerdy little black kid came to the door. I asked him what he was supposed to be because it wasn't very clear. He was wearing goggles that were pulled over his head. That was all I saw. He answered Spiderman. My reaction: "Spiderman?..... Hey Spiderman, Where your webs is?" I think I scared him because he was walking away kinda fast.