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10.30.2002 - Scream, Scared Old People, Scream
Lately I have been scaring people of the older persuasion. 2 to be exact.
The first one was my dad. This occurred when I got home from the Halloween Throwdown on Saturday. I was still wearing my costume when I got home. I went over to my dad [who was sleeping] to tell him I'm home. I figured I'd do that so he wouldn't get all panicked thinking I never came home. Sleep deprived people can get wack. Anyways, I woke him up to tell him and he yelped kinda loud. He must've just seen the outline of the afro in the light. I was laughing pretty hard while he was telling me how I scared him. I was making fun of him for being scared for 2 days. I guess I got him back for teleporting into my room. Side note: I used to get home, go to my room and then go to the bathroom [which kiddie corner from my room]. When I'd come out, my dad would be in my room sitting on my bed. It always scared the crap out of me.
Second scared old person. I pumped some gas and was pulling away from the pump. These 2 old guys walk out of the station in front of me. There was a car parked on the side of the station for easy access. I thought they were going to jump into that car so I started creeping forward. The one guy that was in front of jerked back all crazy like I was gonna destroy him. He stopped and motioned for me to pass. But I let him pass. I wasn't gonna hit him? Why'd he get all crazy? Old people these days, I tell ya. |