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09.18.2002 - Rest in Peace, Darling of Detroit - the FO SHO Grinch Remorial

FO SHO GrinchI am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it must be done. I drove down the familiar but construction cluttered I-75 South a few days ago and looked back to see if my old pal FO SHO Grinch was still there. To my surprise, grief and utter horror he was gone. I can't believe he is really gone? What are we going to do without him? I always felt safe knowing that FO SHO would say "FO SHO" to me while driving northbound on I-75. Those construction people are the most evil people in the world. How could they?

Maybe FO SHO is NO MO but he will live forever in our hearts and minds and on this Web page. Goodbye FO SHO, thanks for all of the laughs and memories. We will tip 40s and listen to Bone Thugs - Crossroads in rememberance of you. We Love you...