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07.31.2002 - Permanent Pressed Roach

Perm Pressed RoachI went to a Chinese restaurant for lunch yesterday. I had lunch there once before and it was decent so I thought I'd try it again. So I'm eating my food and look on the table. There's a freakin roach trying to sit across from me. Now I know I didn't invite no roach to lunch with me. he waitress comes back to the table while the roach is hanging out she doesn't say a word about it or even seem to notice it. I'm trying to find something to capture this thing with so it don't go all crazy in my food. So I put the burning hot tea kettle on it and try to eat lunch like I didn't see no roaches. So when I get up to leave I figure I'd check to see how the roachy is doing. I lift up the tea kettle and the thing is flat as a pancake. It was all steam pressed. It was really funny because to clean the table, they have to take the roach decal off. I told Kryssa about the whole debacle and she went nuts. We were all joking about 15 minute Martinizing, colorforms and scraping the roach off of the table. Good times.

P.S. I'm not going back there for lunch. Ever