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04.10.2002 - Yo, I'll Tell You What I Want, What I Really Want
So I played the Who Do You Think You Are? Spice Girls game and repeatedly got Sporty Spice after
3 tries. This means that I used to be athletic but then got a bad dye job, became fat and had a gold cap in
one of my teeth. Actually, I have a gold crown on my back molar. I was also
accused of being a lesbian and went into depression and unhottest of all of the Spice Girls. At least I have a good singing voice. I'm gonna need it for Kubo.
Not to mention, I was nominated for alot of MTV European Music awards and have alot of money.
Find out if you're Sporty Spice too. Go to >> Normal Site >> Play >> Who Do You Think You Are? >> Play. |