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03.19.2002 - Won't You Be...My Neighbour?

Kylie Minogue So whats up with the Neighbours girls coming back to the U.S. hotter than ever? Kylie Minogue's new single Can't Get You Out Of My Head can't get out of my head. Ever time I hear it I want to do robot dances in the future. Or see the mega hot video of her in her naked Princess Leia outfit. You wanna know an interesting tidbit of knowledge. Kylie played the British Cammy in the the live action craptown Street Fighter movie. How about that, yo? By the way, go to > video > Agent Provocoteur Ad to see kylie ride a rodeo horse in skanky lingerie.
Natalie Imbruglia Now, Natalie Imbruglia. She had a few singles in 98 or something. Messy hair, mass pop appeal. I didn't really like her. Her songs was kind of annoying and I didn't like her. I saw her new video on VH-1 sporting her new long hair and YOWZZA. Little Ms. Natalie looks very hot now. And her new song is nice. I think I'm being lured into pop by hot chicks from Austrailia that used be on Neighbours. You know what though. That's freakin fine with me. Just keep putting out videos, girls. By the way, if you don't know Neighbours, then you need to brush up on your Aussie Soaps, yo.