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01.25.2002 - Lunch With Moms

Just when I say I don't have anything to write about something come up, go figure.

2 days ago my sister came up with the idea of going to an Indian restaurant [Shan E Punjhab] in Garden City with my myself and ma. Everything was ok until we got there. The thing is, the place closes between 2:30 - 5:00 PM everyday. I was getting mad at my sister because she took extra long to get ready and didn't bother to call ahead of time to find out when they were open. My mom sees someone walking out of the kitchen and gets out of the car. She talks to him for like 3 minutes, comes back to the car and says we can go in. I couldn't believe what was happening and couldn't stop laughing as a result. So we're the only ones in the restaurant and its kinda weird because the lights are off. The waiter comes to take our order and my mom is talking to him in urdu. This kid looks so uncomfortable and answers her in English. We told my ma to stop talking to him in urdu because he probably didn't understand it. She didn't care. she just kept doing it.

So we ate our food and everything was going ok. The cook comes by and talks to us when its time to leave. First of all, my ma told him we came from really far to eat there. This cook thought Chicago. She said "No, were from Taylor." TAYLOR??? AW HELL NO. I told her immediately never to tell people we're from Taylor. I mean, what the crap was she thinking? I also found out later that she told the cook "My kids haven't eaten breakfast today." WHAT?? My sister and myself were so embarrassed we pledged never to go out to eat with either of our parents ever again, even if they are paying for it. Oh yeah, and not go to that restaurant again either because of my mom. Thanks alot Moms.