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01.11.2002 - Ford Focus Muscle Car
So I stopped at the Lincoln Park McDonalds drive thru on the way home a few nights ago. I tried to
order some 1/4 pounders and one of those extra thick shakes. The drive thru guy couldn't hear worth
crap. I tried to describe the shake as many ways as I could but he was too deaf or something. I ended up just ordering
the sandwiches and pulled up to the window. This kid be looking at my car up and down like it
some kinda naked lady. I paid him and tried to leave. He proceeded to tell me he suped up his
Ford Focus to 180 horsepower and uses nitrous and crap. I wanted to be like, "We should race sometime
in Taylor, dude." I pulled to next window after he told me some other very important things about his car.
I saw the car as I left, it had a bootleg spoiler and a big ass dent in it. Very stylin, G. I mean if I
was gonna supe up a car Ford Focus would be my first choice. Hands down.