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11.06.2001 - Want But Cannot Have List
These days I curb my spending by not going to stores that would make me want to buy things. I only spend money when I go out to eat, and it is freakin hard.
There are alot of things that I have to get and its bothering me so much that I just can't go out and get them. Like an internal struggle
or something. They are transformers. I want to buy the new combiner teams and classic figures that have come out so bad. I want to get the
Build team ($40.00) the most. I also want to get the team Bullet Train ($45.00). The Megatron bust ($45.00). God Ginrai box set ($70.00 - $120.00).
Starscream reissue ($40.00). Ghost Starscream and Black Starscream box set ($80.00 - 120.00). There is also a lot of CDs that I want to buy too and two CD
towers that are ($40.00) each. I also want Capcom Vs SNK 2 - Millionaire Fighting ($60.00 - 70.00) imported [I want to be a Millionaire Fighter] for the Sega Dreamcast but it is only being released for the PS2 in the states. That sucks. I don't have the moneys to buy a PS2 ($299.00) and I don't really want one so I have to dish out for the import. I be needin some serious bling bling to pay for these toys. Hey perfect new job that pays alot, its time for you to come back into my life and tell me What it is right now.
