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10.31.2001 - Halloween Special
So I stayed home to pass out candy to the total of 15 kids that came to my door. I figured I'd get a kick out of
the costumes at least. All of the kids had the same costumes on. The girls were genies and/or witches, the boys
were ninjas. Some kids just put wack makeup all over their face and didn't know what the crap they were supposed to be.
I watched some tv while I was passing out candy and saw the worst Michael Jackson special ever.
It was an hourlong mess of confusion, horrible acting and dancing that never stopped. Why does this freak do freaky things like this special? Sorry Amber, but that special was so wrong and no brutha in his right
mind would think otherwise. Michael Jackson, why you so crazy?
I headed over to Amber's house because she was having peeps over. I went over to check out the Halloween glamness of 2 homes in their sub with Kelly. We drove over to the place with the guilotine. As we drove we
saw this 70s pimpmobile with jacked up tires. We found out that the tires weren't jacked but the car had hydraulics. What made it even better was this bling bling silver Outkast sign that was hanging from the
mirror. It had to be to over a foot long. It was all shining and sparkling. Anyways, we finally got to the glamotine house. This place had it goin on. There was a swinging axe scene that was propped on a tall harness, a sawblade
scene that smelled the whole street up like rubber and an electric chair scene that had the dummy shaking all funny. This house gets props for the mechanics, yo.
The Dudzinskis' house was the next stop. They had a pretty crazy setup themselves. Full on graveyard in the back with a tv. Crazy garcass all in the front yard. But the best thing was the Melvin garcass in the coffin
that interacted with the guests. We went into the command centre with the Stones that showed up as we were checking the place out. Their front room was set up like the Real World command centres with a camera on the peeps
that were talking to the Melvin garcass. That was too much. This house had the electronics goin on.
When we got back to Amber's I played pinball like a crazy man. Zunich made a baby cry. Chris came over and we played darts. Now I did not know that I was so good at darts. I hit a target as well as turned on Amber's
dehumidifier up 3 dials with one dart. That was the best. Sorry about the broken darts Amber and thanks for getting me hooked on carbonated soft drinks again. Good times.