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10.19.2001 - The Scarecrow and Ms Jackson

Girl, why you look like a scarecrow?What is going on with the attack of the Jacksons? Janet released her new album and she still has to prove everybody that she is a sex symbol. Come on Penny, how many is you gonna walk around taking pictures of yourself being naked? Yo videos, yo naked album pictures. Come on naw. I am all "Nasty put some clothes on, I told ya down walk out yo house without some clothes on." So anyways, I saw her Someone to Be My Lover video and thought to myself "you know, she looks like Jesse Camp, that wack ass VJ from MTV." Since seeing her new video Son of A Gun, I have come to the conclusion that she looks like a Scarecrow. What do you think?

How many surgeries do I have to get to become the ugliest person in the world?Now her brother is something else. And when I say something I mean not human. Somebody tell me why this brutha bleached all of his black off and still be shown on BET? So his new CD is called Invincible. If you aksed me, you would have to be Invincible to survive all that skin bleaching and plastic surgery. Hell, he look like a walking zombie now. His "short film" You Rock My World is one of the tiredest dumbest videos I have ever seen. His numerous guest cameos by Chris Tucker, Marlon Brando and Pretty Pretty Lady can't save the video.

A wussy being held up by wussies, how cute!I especially like the part when they dance fight and supposedly beat the crap out of all of the thugs. Lets face it MJ, all yo street tough videos ain't hiding the fact that you can barely stand up. Even those weird wussies from NSync can't hold up yo ass forever. Stop it with the street, it makes you look even gayer. How about you go home and play with yo monkey Bubbles instead. Just stop embarrassing yoself you weird alien garcass.