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09.26.2001 - Barnum and Bailey Weezer Circus
09.22.2001 - Cobo Hall, Detroit |
01] island in the sun
02] in the garage
03] crab
04] knock down drag out
05] so low
06] photograph
07] tired of sex
08] my name is jonas
09] do you want me to stay
10] smile
11] we go together
12] undone
13] dont let go
14] say it ain't so
15] glorious day
16] hash pipe
17] only in dreams
18] buddy holly
19] surf wax usa
Ok, so myself, Al and Elissa headed out to see Weezer on Saturday night. We luckily missed all of the opening bands which was a plus. We were looking for our seats and a long row of punks got up because they was in them. I was all like Betta Ask Somebody. Anyways, when we sat down we noticed this kid holding a bunch of balloons in front of us.
I don't know where he thought he was but it didn't say Barnum and Bailey's Weezer Circus on my ticket, maybe it did on his. The kids behind us were yelling at the balloon boy nonstop. You know stuff like "You Suck!" and "Get rid of the stupid baloons!" I wish I wrote down what they were saying because they were making me laugh so hard. I expected
the Weezer show to be Green Album-centric, which it was. They played a good show. It was just really hard to hear what Rivers was saying in between songs. I liked the stage props too. It was a good show but I felt like I was in middle school. Some stupid grils in front of us were yelling about wanting to have River's babies. Another one was standing on
her chair jumping and gyrating. When we were leaving the roof all the kids thought it would be cool to continuously honk their horns, yeah theres no better way to announce your coolness.
We went to Applebee's in Garden City for a wack waitress who kept telling us she was there since 10AM. They also didn't have any pennies so she had to round one of the bills was like 11.51 or something. She brought $0.25 as change back. That happened because she came in at 10AM.
I went over to Kelly's afterwards to find out it was a early bedtime party. Pat, Nishanian, Ryan and Heather were there. We had a good talk about current events. Holla. |