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09.12.2001 - World Trade Centre Twin Towers
I came into work at 9:15 seeing people flock to the televisions. I didn't know what was going on until I saw for myself. Its one of the worst things ever. I almost went to vacation in Tokyo with a flight leaving on Tuesday or Wednesday but decided not to for monetary reasons. Then I hear about this catastrophe. I can't believe what is going on in New York and D.C. right now. It seemed like every 15 minutes something else was being attacked. We work downtown in a pretty tall building and were kind of concerned about an attack. Considering the perpetrators were going for the U.S./Global Economy and the Government, it was still scary to think something like that might happen. The downtown area was evacuated at about 11:30AM and the streets/parking structures were gridlocked because of the amount of people trying to get home. I chose to stay downtown until the traffic died down. All major and non-major businesses closed down. It was really eerie. When I got home I couldn't stop watching the news. I flipped on CBC to see how the Canadians were dealing with this situation. They are in as much panic as the U.S. is about the situation as is most of the world. I kept thinking the passengers on the plane should've overtaken the terrorist since all they had were knives. But then again, how could they know that the terrorists were going to use their plane as a missile? I kept thinking of what significance 09.11.2001 had in history. Some woman said "911," yeah thats historically significant or NOT. I can't even imagine what is going to happen to the economy when the NYSE opens. It seems to have hit the Asian and Austrailian markets pretty hard. I can't think of anything else to say.
I'm sorry that anybody who was a victim of this had to suffer...