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09.10.2001 - Birthday Combo/Lazer Whiplash
Saturday night was crazy off the hook. I started it off by going to the WSU Dally in the Alley with Brad (which was rained out by T-storm the tent destroyer). I was just getting into a wack performance by a band called Esquire. This guy had some wack hair, synchronized girl dancers on either side of him and a blue jumpsuit on. Myself and Brad only got to see them perform two songs before the crazy Dally ending thunderstorm hit. After about 10 minutes we realized that it was hopeless and took off. I mean I had my fill of dirty hippies, dreads, tie dye, mud, ghetto garage sale and bongs.
I went over to Good Time Charlies with Krysta for Rachel and Ryan's birthday. Sarah surprised me throughout the night with her ghetto word swaps and her "Hey, Glasses comment that came afterwards." After we left Charlies, we went to the Zap Zone to get some Lazer Tag on. We had a pretty big group but still had to tag with alien nerds [who play Lazer Tag every chance they get] we didn't know. We for real didn't know what was gonna happen when we walking into the debriefing room. All we knew was we were being transported to a place filled with space, planets, moons, fog and techno music. Needless to say it was pretty blew out. Score card time was like freakin X-mas for these freaks. Krysta went on a ghetto rampage in the parking lot hatin on the King Alien. Way to go, Kryssa.
We went to the newly opened Necto [Nectarine] to get our freak on. Let me just say that I haven't danced that much/hard in a long time. I had to take a lot of breaks. This also made me realize that Tariq and Duronco are dancing machines.
I was so beat and busted from dancing, I spent most of Sunday night sleeping. Probably about 12-14 hours.