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07.27.2001 - I Got Checked Out By a Cyclops

Hi, I'm a cyclops. Nice to meet youI went to Somerset last night after work yesterday. I walked in to FAO Schwarz to see if they had those new transformers. So I look up and I see this lady checking me out. I walked past her and it hit me like freakin truck. It was that Channel 2 anchor cyclops Monica Gayle. Ok, so I thought I was hallucinating when she was checking me out. I mean why would a tv personality check me out? I walked past again to leave the store and she was looking at me again. HAA, I got checked out by a cyclops. Awesome!

A few other random wack/gross things happened at Somerset. I walked near Fossil and saw this little girl pick her nose. I thought to myself "Watch her!! and see if she eats it" She did, she was eating her boogers, hahaaa. I wanted to keep watching her eat them and laugh at her but i had to go. This is the last and grossest thing. I walked into the bathroom to go pee. I normally like to use the handicapped stall because its normally the cleanest. Not this freakin time, nah uh. It looked like somebody had a food fight in their but with poop. Kinda like a Poop Fight. It was so disgusting there was poop smeared all over the walls and everything. I immediately went to another stall but had to hold my breath the whole time but the remains of the poop fight were so pungent.

That was the most thats ever happened to me at Somerset.

Asif Ver. 3.00