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07.18.2001 - Iron Chef, Dramatic Cooking Extra
I used to watch the Iron Chef on the Food Network after SNL every week. Somehow we drifted apart. Maybe its because I get super tired now and I can't stay up until 2 AM even on a Saturday night or I'm just obese. Anyways, I watched Iron Chef last week and got hooked again. The master of ceremonies Kaga Takeshi is awesome. He looks more and more like a clown every episode.
Theres going to be new episodes this or next month. Woohoo! The kitchen battles are fierce. I ain't never seen cooks move that fast. Most of the time the food looks really good too. I mean when they aren't serving lobster brains or some other gross body part. By the way, if anyone ever wants to buy me something they can get me the Iron Chef Cookbook. It's $14.99 and worth every freakin penny, yo.
Why can't there be more quality Japanese television on my tv? I promise from now on, Iron Chef i'll try to watch you weekly. I wish they showed the show with Karakuri's Funniest English. That show is the best Japanese show I have ever seen.
Wyandotte Art Fair Report
Of course when you go to a fair like the Wyandirtte Art Fair you expect to see One thing or tent stood out among the others. It was this wack Glamour Shots like tent where ladies are scary dolled up with too much make-up and ugly overprocessed hair. There was a catch though. This tent was selling Mr. Snuffaluppagus hydes. It wasn't enough that they had wack hair and enough make-up to paint a birdhouse with, they were wearing freakin Mr. Snuffaluppagus on their back like it was the coolest thing. I called the lady that was smiling while looking into a mirror the Clan of the Cave Bear.
I have one thing to say about that.....WHYYYYY?