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06.28.2001 - Detroit 300 Ghetto Fab Festival
Last night was the first time I ever went to see the Freedom Festival fireworks spectacular. Downtown Detroit was packed like a mother. I got to watch the works ghetto style on top of the Detroit Engineering Institute's roof instead of getting caught in the Hart Plaza mob. I have to say that climbing up the ladder along the side of the building freaked me out because I'm afraid of heights. But the view was pretty good and I was able to say that I saw the fireworks from a roof downtown.
Here is some interesting stuff that happened before the fireworks started. We went to Greektown to eat
and this bum was walking by. I don't know why he said this, but he did.
Bum: "Woo. Woo. I guess not."
This kind of reminded me of the time when Chris P. and I were walking out of the mezzanine of the Fox Theatre Culture Club show. Boy George was frequently insert "woo" into his songs, which was really dumb. Chris turned back and said "Remember when Boy George said "woo?" An older woman replied with "Woo? I just wanted to see him wearing his old clothes." This freaked us out really bad. I mean how do you reply to someone who says something like that when you even weren't talking to them in the first place. Just walk away and act like nothing ever happened.
That was kind of wack. After we [myself, Melissa and Brad] had dinner we jumped on the people mover because we were running late. These young Abercrombie and Fitch suburbanite kids got on too. They had never been on the People Mover and didn't really know how to use it. One of them was so annoying. He kept yelling that he was on the "Bum Mover." I was about to say "Do you see any bums on this People Mover?" These kids talk all they trash but end up "walkin and cryin" when they get themselves into trouble.
We went over to Brad's loft after the works to hang out for awhile. Brad's younger brother Jason and his friend Allen were talking about how bad sugar is and how they brush their teeth 3 times a day because they are afraid of cavities. The funny thing is, they were rolling cigarettes as they were talking about their teeth. This was kinda weird to me. So I asked them "Why are you more concerned about your teeth than you are your lungs?".....