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03.17.2004 - I Know You Di'ent Just Next to Me and Faurt, Fo Real
I walked into work yesterday. Went about my normal routine. Checking email, checking news and what not. A co-worker walked in about a half hour afterwards and came to my desk to say something to me and someone rips a huge fart out. It was so loud it echoed. Now I laugh like crazy when that happens in the bathroom so you can imagine how much worse it is in the open. I had to immediately cover my face because I was really close to busting out. We were both laughing. And tried to speculate who the perpetrator was. We asked a few people if they heard it. The general conscensus was "Yeah, WTF was that?" It was pretty funny. Because I said "dude, they should've went outside to do that. that was freakin loud"
For real, If you're gonna do someething like that. Be prepared for people to laugh they ass off. |