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03.04.2004 - bald archambault
So what's the deal with SPAM these days. I have noticed a trend in SPAM senders. They use the name of the IT celebrity. For instance, Paris Hilton or Jennifer Lopez. I mean sesriously who is gonna fall for that crap? I'm not gonna be like WOOOOO Paris Hilton just emailed me. I have to read it. Paris Hilton don't even have my email address. I'm not even sure she knows how to use a computer after watching the Simple Life.
Another really good one is RE: Question for seller -- Item #614416496. I ain't even selling anything on ebay, foo. This particular email came from a bald archambault whoever the crap that is. I'll tell you what. If my name was bald archambault I would change it immediately. I wouldn't email it.
One of favorites was an email from Omaha Steaks with the suject header of Get ½ Price Omaha Steaks + 12 free Burgers. What am I gonna do with 12 hamburgers? Do I look like Scooby Doo? WTF? I fell off track a little. My favorite part is that picture of santa presenting a platter of steaks. Now that's some top notch service. I'd say the ideal scenario would be laying on the beach on some island getaway with santa and a bunch of hoes [they could be called the Steak Strippers or something] serving you Omaha steaks. Wouldn't that be awesome?
Of course, there's the ever popular penis enlargement SPAMS which know no gender. I always hear about girls getting emails about enlarging they penis. At least they an equal opportunity emailer.
So you know, SPAM isn't that bad. At least it's funny sometimes.