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02.25.2004 - The Ants Come Marching In
We had our monthly birthday party today. I walked in and noticed a few guys staring at the floor. I got a closer look and saw a zillion ants on the carpet piling up on a few tortilla chip crumbs. They were all coming out of an electrical console build into the ground. We opened up the console and there a freakin anthill in the metallic housing next to the power outlet. I started laughing and yelling "How did an anthill get up in this building?" I also said to one of my colleagues "You know they need to get a muthafuckin anteater up in this bitch." He replied with a "Then we need a muthafuckin anteater eater to take care of the first one." I along with another colleague also tried to freak out another employee [who is notorius for being nervous] by telling him that ants was crawling up his legs. We kept talking to him and then stop and look at his feet. Fun birthday!!!