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01.28.2004 - Chinese Dog
I looked out my window this weekend and saw one of my Chinese neighbors walking his dog. His dog happened to decide to poop and pee on my beautiful white lawn. I watched from my window as the dog did it's thing and waited to see whether the guy would pick up the doo doo, feces. Even though he did clean it up, I was still kinda mad. Why don't he just make his dog poop and pee on his lawn?
I shoveled my snow a few days ago and noticed a patch of yellow snow on the edge of the sidewalk. I knew it was that bitch Chinese dog making my yard look all gross and bathroomy. I went about my business and shoveled the rest.
Anyways, I went out to shovell the snow and the Chinese guy snowblowed my sidewalk. I didn't know what to say. I've been harboring a dull hate for him and his poop dog for a couple of days and he goes and does something like this? I don't even know him. He did finish up by blowing my neighbors entire drive. Which leads me to believe that he was getting paid to do that because they are the laziest snow shovelers ever. Not to mention they have a lawn service that mows weekly [which is completely ridiculous because we have really small yards in that sub and it takes 15 minutes to mow the lawn. oh, and they have a patio in the back and a landscaped front yard which lowers the area of grass they need to mow].
Back to the Chinese man, I'm not mad at him anymore. He is cool in my book. His dog can poop in my lawn as long as: - he continues to plow the sidewalk
- he picks up his dog's doo doo, feces