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11.12.2003 - Asif and Nick

I had a conversation about the Alex and Brit Sheer Blonde commercial with my friend Nicole. Read it up, yo.

i love you I love you i love you love you yes I doA: guess what i saw 2 times yesterday?
N: i love you i love you I love you love you love you yes I do:-)
A: yup
N: hehe
A: that commercial just don't stop
N: I saw it too, and I was laughing really hard
A: hah hah
A: it's awesome
N: i know:-)
N: I think of you everytime I see it now - it is on A LOT
A: i never see it during prime time
A: only in the mornings
N: no? i've seen it at night
A: awesome
N: I wonder if they really are singers
A: i don't think they is
N: what do you mean, I have their record, don't you?
A: not yet
N: :-)
A: i might have to import it from Hong Kong
N: my favorite song is called I love you I love you I love you love you love you yes I do:-)
N: :-D
A: what a coincidence
A: mine too
N: really? wow
N: we have so much in common
A: i'm going to dye my hair blonde again because of that commercial
A: it has impacted my life that much
N: you should, absolutely
N: I know, I get all emotional everytime it comes on
A: and remember that swimming is no problem because it won't turn your hair green
N: exactly:-)
A: thank you Sheer Blonde
N: you're getting me all choked up
A: heh heh
N: Sheer blonde has saved my life
A: mine too
N: it's made my hair soooo beautiful
A: i was in such a sorry state until i realized what a wonderful product it was
N: actually, their hair doesn't look so great to me - it looks like they went swimming too many times:-)
N: I know, me too
A: Alex and Brit really know their stuff
N: if only I could be like them
A: we could be Asif and Nick
A: and be in the next commercial
N: that would be awesome
A: hah hah
N: I think we should write to John Frieda
A: we should
N: we could write a new song
A: yeah, no problem
N: why don't you get on that
N: :-)
A: all we have to do is come up with a catchy phrase and sing it over and over again
N: have you come up with a song yet?
A: i didn't know i was supposed to come up with one so soon
N: you must - if you want to compete with Alex and Brit:-)
N: they are top notch
A: i know this
N: hehe