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09.29.2003 - No, We Ain't Kindreds
This type of thing has been happening to me on and off throughout the years. An East Indian, Pakistani or Arabic gas clerk or some other type of employee will come up to me and ask me where I'm from, etc. I mean just because they got off the boat and ain't got no friends don't mean that I will be they friend. They just need to do they job and leave it at that.
So I was at Wendy's trying to get some quick dinner before going to do some shopping before the stores closed for the night. I go to the condiment counter and this [i'm thinking arabic by the accent] Wendy's employee comes up to me with this goofy ass grin and asks me where I'm from. In my head I was thinking "Oh great, not again." So I answered "Pakistan" and went back to what I was doing. He then asks "are you muslim, christian?" I answered Christian and put some catsup on my tray. I was thinking "why do this always happen to me?" He smiles "and says being a muslim is gooood." That was it for me. I just said "Sorry" and walked away.
These people need to understand that I'm not interested in having any kind of conversation with them. I'm not interested in talking philosophy or religion with a gas station or fast food worker. Maybe they just got off the boat but I didn't and I don't give a damn.