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08.04.2003 - WTF?
I have this really comfortable black poloesque golf shirt with a covert message written on the right sleeve. The message is whathefuck in cursive. Anyways, the guy behind my cube was making a huge deal about it today. But just to me and another I was working with.
I didn't realize that I was going to be in 50 meetings today.
So we were in a departmental meeting and my boss was going over the status of all of our projects. She stopped in mid sentence and said "Oh, so that's what it says!" She was referring to my sleeve. Everybody asked her what she was talking about and I quickly rolled up my sleeve because I was "embarrassed." My boss said that "it said whathefuck" and it was cute. She also said that it applied to the project we were working on. It was pretty funny because a few guys didn't believe it and had to look at my sleeve to verify. Whathefuck?
It was pretty funny since it sparked so much interest.
Not to mention the fact that my boss was awesome enough to think it was cute and didn't get all pissed about it. Good times.