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04.22.2003 - Weekend in Toronto

Yeah, I got it on my carKryssa and I went to Toronto for Wendie's birthday a couple of weekends ago. We stayed for the weekend. Lots of crazy stuff happened. All trips to Toronto will live in the shadow of New Year's but this one was good times. In a different way.

Memorable Moments

  • JAMBON - We went to Cafe Crepe on Queen St. Steph turned to me and asked if I was gonna order the JAMBON. I started laughing and said "no." Sid looked at her and said that she was saying it wrong. She looked at him and said "I'll tell you how to say it." She got really close to his face and said "JAAAAAAAAAAM BOOOOOOOOONE." My stomach hurt so bad from laughing. That set the tone of the night and weekend. The JAMBON jokes went nuts after that.
  • We quoted Little Sis all weekend "Yeah, I got one on my car."
  • We ate Tapas and didn't get full. I said "There was more food in our Sangria than in the Tapas."
  • We watched Rosie O'Donnell's E True Hollywood story and ripped on her the whole time
  • Steph said "Your lips ain't tastin no pizza tonight" over the phone to a rival Old Navy store manager whose store was promised a pizza party if they beat her store.
  • We jammed in the bed at the Zoolander bar
  • A teenager on the subway got his hair stuck in the window. I started laughing. He saw me and said "oww, that really hurt." I replied with a "sorry."
  • I waited in the slowest IKEA line ever
  • Steph's friend Natalie told the funniest story. She was walking and saw what seemed to be a young boy with a backpack all alone. She went up to him and asked "Are you ok little boy?" and touched him on the shoulder. He turned around and said "I AM A GROWN MAN." He then kicked her. She screamed in his face and ran away. She called her boyfriend and told him about what happened. Her boyfriend told her that they were gonna find that midget, sue him and live off of midget money.
  • SARS
  • I bought shoes
  • I got the nasty leprosy neck fungus, impetigo
  • The U.S. border guard addressed Kryssa by her license plate number