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02.21.2003 - Touch My Bum. This is Life
The Cheeky Girls are a Transylvanian teen pop duo that hit Europe pretty hard with their hit Touch My Bum (The Cheeky Song). Some of you have had the pleasure of hearing this hilarious song. If you haven't download it from Soulseek or Kazaa. Or listen to the song/watch the video on their site. It's worth the laugh. The whispering and accents are so good.
Click on Play game under the video to play this wicked game and see if you can beat my crappy high score of 380. And check out the dance while you're at it.
Here's some Cheeky quotes straight from the girls:
"A good bum has to be quite firm and
not bony..."
"If we sang 'touch my arse' then maybe it would be a rude song."
P.S. Touch my bum. This is Life. |