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02.06.2003 - What is it with Retail Nerds These Days?

Disclaimer: I was on my way to doing a nerdy thing but I wasn't being a nerd while I was doing it.

I went to Electronics Boutique in Briarwood to reserve a copy of Zelda for the GameCube. They have this deal going on right now where you get two extra Zelda GameCube discs of previous games released on Nintendo 64 if you pre order it. So anyways, I go up to the register and pay for my reserve. The cashier was a big dork, which isn't uncommon at these types of stores. So he rings me up and notices that Henry Rollins was on the tv above him. And says "Is that Henry Rollins?" I looked and confirmed. He then busts out with "because Henry Rollins is cool." No You Di'ent was the first thing that came to my mind. I personally do not have anything against Henry Rollins. But using him as a vehicle to act cool in front of a complete stranger who don't even give a damn is just retarded. Especially when are a weird looking 30 year old working in a video game store. Go try to impress someone else, you nerd.