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01.09.2003 - Joe Mills + RW/RR

Joe Millionaire is great show. He is super dumb and the girls are even dumber. How he think that a girl that comes all up in not his castle ain't gonna be wanting him for his money? They all gonna kick his ass when they find out he makes $19,000/yr. All them girls is looking for they prince charming so they don't have to work their customer service rep jobs. And according to Juergen, "they all look like their own grandmothers." Theres some trouble brewing on this show. Dont forget Diana Krall and the goat-eyed Asian.

Troubs is what the new Real World/Road Rules Battle of the Sexes is all about. I can't believe all that stuff went down before the first challenge. Melissa went buckwild on Julie. Puck spit on David. Puck balling his eyes out. Puck getting a mullet. Julie getting cut by Melissa. Ellen trying to fight for Julie's rights. What's next?

Monday nights is on, yo. On-er then they ever was, yo.