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11.30.2002 - Saint Etienne in Toronto

St ESaint Etienne decided to skip over Detroit this time so I decided to check them out in Toronto. I drove out there about 1:30 and got there at 5:00. Pretty good travel time. People on the roads were going hyper speed though. I think I drove an average of 85-90 mph. I normally don't drive that fast I can blame it on the flow of traffic. Yeah. So anyways. I got some food and headed over to the show. Sarah Cracknell walked by the people standing in line with a baby in her hand. That Sarah Cracknell is like Michelle Pfeiffer, yo. Gettin hotter and hotter as she gets older. Anyway, the first band [Stars from Montreal] went on to huge Canadian fanfare and applause. The band was so weird. Some of the songs were aight. But, dang. People don't need to be getting all crazy. I was ok with their set until the lead singer decided to get all political. He made a comment about impeaching George Bush or what not. I'm not saying that I agree with that or not because I haven't been keeping up to date with current evernts. But, I love it how musicians use the stage as a political platform. You know what? Making the suggestion to impeach George W ain't going to make a rat's ass difference when you are telling Canadians. They ain't got not no American voting rights. Wrong country, ass clown.

Ok so with that said, back to Saint Etienne. They started their set with 5 older songs. It was pretty awesome. They played a straight set of Finisterre material accompanied with a movie playing in the background. It was pretty cool. The new stuff has an 80's electro sound. They came back with some more old songs after the Finisterre set and did an encore. It was a great time. I wanted to dance but I was in the Radio 4 mood of trying to restain myself. The show was way worth the trip. I had a blast.

After the show let out, a whole bunch of people were waiting for the Streetcar. This lady comes out of nowhere and starts balling. Everybody is just looking at each other with confused looks. Her crying continued for about 5 minutes and was amplified whenever a cab drove past. It was so wack. She needed to stop with that business fo real. So the streetcar came and that was it.