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11.30.2002 - Party at Mindy's

Mindy's parents had one of their famous McEachran parties on Friday night. It was good time to gather up the crew, see Mindy and Sammy, and witness the crazy antics of the adults. I think its really funny that we refer to the parents as "the adults" when we are adults ourselves. I think I said something like "Yeah we are adults, but they are adulter than us."

On to the antics. "The adults" were also hovering over this tray of mini booze bottles. It looked like a tray of nailpolish. Mrs. Mc sprayed some alc spray into all of our mouths when we got there. Of course a McEachran party ain't a party unless the blow-up penis makes an appearance. One of the ladies that tried to take my shirt off last year was dry humping the blowup D. It was so crazy. Everybody was dancing to 80's music. It was off the hook. At one point, Sherry came by and touched Krick's and Jimmy Z's noses. Myself and Kryssa were laughing and then she came and gave me and my big nose an Eskimo kiss.

After that, we went downstairs to watch Steve Naughtan movies. I've never seen them before. They were pretty funny. The whole time we were watching the movies we heard singing, dancing and yelling upstairs. It was hilairous. Good times. Good times.