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11.19.2002 - "Jackson Dangles Baby Off Balcony"
This crazy ass itv article was sent by Tarek. Shortly after, I got about 10 IMs about the story. Too bad that ain't really Jacko. Watch the video footage to see how dumb and fake this is. It is super funny but really stupid at the same time.
Michael Jackson's shocked fans in Berlin after appearing to
dangle a baby from a fifth floor hotel balcony.
The eccentric US pop star had been waving to his German fans when he
disappeared back into his room and a few seconds later brought the baby - with a
towel covering its head - out onto the veranda.
Holding the baby with one arm he then briefly dangled the infant over the
balcony railing of the Adlon Hotel, before hurrying back into his room with the
It is not clear if the youngster was one of his own children, Prince or
There were gasps from the crowd of around 200 fans as it seemed at one stage
as if the struggling baby was in danger of falling to the ground.
Jackson was holding the baby with only one hand because he seemed intent on
keeping the towel covering its head.
Just inside the hotel room a woman wearing a nanny's uniform smiled and
laughed as Jackson rushed the baby back inside.
His close friend Uri Geller didn't seem to believe what had happened. He told
ITV News Channel "I was not there to see exactly what he had done, but I can
tell you this - Michael is a very responsible father and it's just hard for me
to believe that he dangled his son over the railing of his balcony."
"Michael loves his kids and he would never, ever do anything that could put
them in danger."
He confirmed that Michael Jackson does have his children with him in Berlin,
but said: "Maybe he was dangling come kind of a doll over the railing."
There was also trouble when the star arrived at the Adlon Hotel, which is
near Berlin's famous Brandenburg Gate.
He had to fight his way through the crowd of fans to get from his car into
the hotel. In the scrum at least one person was injured and a flower pot
Jackson is said to be in Germany on a personal trip although it is thought he
will attend the German premiere of the new James Bond Film 'Die Another
It is also rumoured that he may be given a Bambi lifetime achievement award
from the German Burda Publishing house.
The company honours celebrities from the world of entertainment, literature,
sports and politics.