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11.15.2002 - "When I was seven, eight years old I was in nightclubs. I saw striptease girls take off all their clothes."
I'm so happy that Jacko hit the news again that I am posting this older article from I was supposed to introduce Adam's band with excerpts from this interview at Kryssa's party almost 2 months ago. It didn't happen because I didn't think it was a good follow up to their set.
MICHAEL JACKSON is quitting the music business to pursue a
career in film – and space travel.
The self-styled King Of Pop whose last LP
’Invincible’ sold disappointingly, says he wants to put his
troubled career to one side to work in the movie business.
Jacko, who recently took a cameo role in ’Men In
Black II’, fancies a career change after a troubled year, during which
he has been in dispute with label Sony over the promotion of
'Invincible', one of the most expensive albums ever made.
He said: "I've always wanted to do film, but the tours got in the way. That's
why I want to take several years off just doing film. "I'd like to get six great
movies behind me, and then I'll do a little bit of touring, then I'll do more
Jackson also admits there is "some truth in" speculation he
wanted to recreate his famous moonwalk on the moon, according to
Gold magazine in the US.
It’s been rumoured the star is teaming up with one of the members of the
Apollo 14 mission to become the first pop star to be launched
into space.
Jackson, who said he enjoyed visiting theme parks after
hours, says he is trying to make up for a lost childhood.
He revealed: "When I was seven, eight years old I was in nightclubs. I saw
striptease girls take off all their clothes. I saw fights break out. I saw
people throw up on each other. I saw adults act like pigs."
"That's why I compensate now for what I didn't do then. So when you come to
my house, you'll see I have rides, I have a movie theatre, I have animals."
Uhh... I have animals? You don't have to be a child to have animals, Jacko. And furthermore,
I don't know any kids that have Zoos in they backyards. Maybe a lion as a crackhouse guard dog, but
not no Zoos.
And be sure to check out the HisTory of Michael Jackson's Face for a great play by play on Jacko's cosmetic transformations.