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11.06.2002 - Industrial Strength Human Vacuum
I want to say recently, but this has been going on for a long time. It just keeps getting incrementally worse as time goes on. My dad eats food. He really eats food. We used to have to hide leftovers from restaurants in the fridge because he would seek and destroy in 15 minutes or less. I have been buying some gross protein bars and taking them to work as a supplement to my lunch. It is blatantly obvious that I buy them and take them to work. He sees it every day. Anyways, I guess one day he went into a feeding frenzy and ate my remaining 2 protein bars. I didn't know until I looked for them the following morning. I'm all looking for them like a madman and asking my ma about it. I come to find out he ate them. He didn't even bother telling me. All he kept saying was "They are great, bring more!" This kinda made me mad. So I told him that "eating those bars isn't necessarily good for him because of the protein content. They were used to build muscle as a result of heavy weight lifting." He either totally ignored me or totally didn't care because he said "They are great, bring more!" over and over again. Actually I think he was singing it. I haven't bought the bars in over a month because of that incident.
I talked to Shazy last night and she was complaining about a Doritos Mix Bag and pretzels she brought home from school. She said she left them on the kitchen counter and went upstairs. She came downstairs and they were all gone. I was like "damn, you know who did it don't you?" She was also complaining about the fact that he doesn't seal bags after he opens them. Yeah they get all stale and gross and his fat ass still eats them. He likes to eat stale chips and expired cottage cheese. He must seriously think he impervious to food poisioning. Why is my dad so vehement on becoming a bigger Big Time than he is now? Every time I see him he is eating junk food late at night. Seriously, when your Big Timedness makes you walk like a penguin its time to put the chips, nuts, spaghetti sauce (that you think is chili), nachos, cheese blocks and ice cream away. Far away. |